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Halina Dabrowska, Riviera Inn Motel

    Halina Dabrowska

    Halina Dabrowska, owner of the Riviera Inn Motel

    Florence (Colorado) — Halina is of Polish origin and arrived here in 1988. On visiting weekends in the prisons of Fremont County, the Riviera accommodates several prisoners' families. Otherwise there's the odd guest passing through. Laid-off workers too. People you feel could slide into bottomless misery. One cold day, Halina prepared us a good bowl of soup and tea with honey. Then she gave one of her little dry laughs and opened her Supermax archives up to us. What about the nearby prisons? Halina's never been inside one.


    Hi Halina !

    Is there a busiest period of time during the year ?
    Yes we are in and see you! What a difference you made by selling us the Motel
    Please mister S., new owner, could you say hello from us to Halina, hier husband and friends?
    Halina was so nice and so important to us.

    Thank you and good luck in your new business.

    My very best.

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