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Debbie Bell, Cañon City Daily Record

    Debbie Bell

    Debbie Bell, journalist at the Cañon City Daily Record

    Cañon City (Colorado) — She knows the town and the prison industry like the back of her hand. For one simple reason: Debbie has done what just about everyone else here has done - she's worked in prisons. She welcomed us like just about everyone else here - with open arms. Charlotte Burrous, a pillar of the newspaper, was in the newsroom too - and she put us on the front page. A film crew from France come to shoot in their town? Never been seen before. Nor any other film crew, especially one that stuck around. A circulation of 10,000, six editions a week, five fulltime reporters - the Daily was doing good. And Debbie Bell expressed her supprt for the prison industry. Like almost everybody else here.


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