Two events are scheduled for 8.30 pm on Tuesday 6th July. A World Cup semi-final (so we’re told), but above all the first ever prime-time broadcast of the film ‘Prison Valley’.
It’s on Arte as part of a special theme evening called ‘Prisons: a new business?’. The prison industry is booming all over the world. From the flourishing ‘Prison Valley’ in Colorado to experiences with electronic tagging, ‘Thema’ takes a look at both sides of the bars.
So at 8.35 pm there’s the film ‘Prison Valley’ in high definition and 16:9 (with a surprise at the end) and at 9.35 pm ‘Prison à domicile’, a documentary by Philippe Borrel (2007).
But that’s not all. From 9 to 11 pm, you can take part in a special chat with the writers and directors of the web documentary ‘Prison Valley’ (David Dufresne and Philipe Brault) and the producer (Alexandre Brachet) and find out all you want to about the long and crazy adventure of ‘Prison Valley’.
Tell your friends and bring your ideas and questions.
Have a good summer.
‘Prison Valley’ will be shown again on Arte on 10th July at 1.55 am and on 16th July at 10 am.